Hot Buttered Rum

Tags: Original

2020 has been rough, so hot buttered rum season has begun for me already 😃

  • Stick of unsalted butter

This is a pretty rough recipe I used, since I really didn't have too many of usual spices. Firstly, to make the "batter":

  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ground cloves
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp "golden milk" powder (I think this is pretty atypical, but since it's just a combo of turmeric, ginger, etc. it turned out pretty good!)
  • A pinch of salt

Mix until everything is mostly uniform and easy to work. I'm not a food scientist, but I'd imagine this "batter" should keep pretty well in the fridge for quite some time.

Then when you want to make one:

  • 1oz dark aged rum
  • 1oz spiced rum
  • 1 tbsp of the "batter"

Combine in a heat-friendly glass or mug, then top with hot water. Mix like crazy until it's not annoying to drink.